Provide fantastic customer experience for the fantasy entertainment leader! During this challenging period, when people contact for assistance, a work from home representative is usually the one who responds to calls and messages for help. Make use of this opportunity to be people’s connection to Teleperformance Greece: friendly, helpful, and real, while working at the comfort of your home! Join our team and work ...
Er du lidenskapelig opptatt av innholdsanalyse, og har ett øye for detaljer? Vi søker innholdsmoderator og investigator til vår klient i Lisboa, Portugal! Vår klient er et teknologi selskap som tilbyr mobile løsninger ...
We are looking for talent to provide customer support to people willing to take their video channels to the next level. Teleperformance collaborates with the world’s top online video sharing and social media platform, home to over a billion videos and millions of channels, with new video content uploaded every day. We are looking for ...
Are you a TV shows fan? Join our Netflix Customer Service team! Our collaboration with Netflix gives you the chance to work within the awarded working environment provided by Teleperformance, while enriching your resume by working with one of the world’s top brands. How does this sound? Ready to join us in Greece? ...
We are looking for talent to provide customer support to people willing to take their video channels to the next level. Teleperformance collaborates with the world’s top online video sharing and social media platform, home to over a billion videos and millions of channels, with new video content uploaded every day. We ...
Are you familiar with digital cameras, printers & photocopiers? Join our Canon tech-support team! Would you like to get an in-depth experience in the world of photography and imaging? This is your chance to join our Canon amazing tech-support team. Teleperformance Greece collaborates with Canon, the leader in the fields of professional and consumer imaging equipment ...
We are looking for talent to provide customer support to people willing to take their video channels to the next level. Teleperformance collaborates with the world’s top online video sharing and social media platform, home to over a billion videos and millions of channels, with new video content uploaded every day. We ...